Walking with the Bishop

Individuals and walking groups from Churches in the Diocese are invited to join Bishop Brian on a Borders Pilgrimage in the Steps of St Cuthbert.  Meeting at the Corn Exchange (in the town centre) in Melrose at 10:45am sharp on Saturday 1st May; visiting Melrose Abbey before setting off for Dryburgh Abbey.  There are two routes one shorter and less steep than the other.  Transport back to Melrose can be arranged.  Please bring a packed lunch.  Further information from Fred Tomlinson (Synod Clerk – 0131 667 6224,fred.tomlinson@talk21.com ) or Maurice Houston at Holy Trinity Melrose (01896 822626:  rector@holytrinitymelrose.com ).

I shall not be taking part, in case you were wondering if you could walk with me. However, I have no objection to a drive to Melrose and then a wee look round that rather nice handbag and shoe shop and then coffee and a scone somewhere.

The wheels on the bus

Today I went on a bus. This was quite an occasion as it must be over 4 years since I was last on one. And surprisingly it cost about the same so well done Edinburgh City Council.

Today I went up town. Up town or down town? Well, it felt as if we were going up a hill so I will settle for up town. It was cold and windy not being in my little car, and I forgot that one should wear gloves when one is wandering about in the open air. I toddled along George Street and bought some nice smelly candles. Then I went to the Cornerstone Bookshop and got Lifelong Learning by Frances Ward which should help me with my CMD 1-3 gang. I also spotted a copy of a new mass setting (The New Raemoir Mass) and got it to see if it could be used at St M’s. How clever of them to put a CD in with it so you can listen to it without having to read music. It is nice and celtic-y but I could have done with hearing it on an organ and not a twinkly keyboard. And I also got the palm crosses.

Today I walked a lot. Met Son #2 in town and he persuaded me to get a bus to Portobello and walk the rest of the way. Well I won’t be doing that again in a hurry. It was all too much for my first day sans auto. I may now go and lie down in a darkened room for a while until my breathing gets back to normal.